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5 Things Real Estate Agents Do Every Day


There are a few things you should know before becoming a real estate agent. In hindsight, there are so many things I wish I had known before starting my career.

Investopedia recently published a story about the day in the life of a Realtor. Let me walk you through what a Realtor does during the work day.

We tend to administrative tasks. This ranges from answering e-mails to coordinating appointments to developing marketing plans for listings.

We lead generate. Finding clients is crucial to our business. Often, we focus on a sphere of influence strategy to target new leads from people we already know, such as family, friends, and neighbors.

We work with clients directly. We spend some time with them every day, whether it’s staging a home, e-mailing listings to potential buyers, or accompanying clients to inspections.

We hold meetings and tours. We offer consultations in our office. We meet with clients and everyone involved with the process of buying a home.

We learn new things all the time. We read books and check the news. We continue our education to pursue degrees and certifications. We study marketing and the industry as a whole. We constantly learn ways to improve our skill sets and strategies.

Agents need to find a professional balance between administrative tasks and income-producing activities. Sometimes, this means long days in the office or in the field, meeting with or recruiting clients.

That’s why there actually isn’t a typical day as a Realtor after all! We do so many things that it’s likely every work day is different.

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to reach out by phone or email!

Your Local Realtor

Part II of Choosing Your Broker

We help people begin a career in real estate and assist throughout their career from prelicense, continuing education, post license, reciprocal licensing, broker courses as licensees continue their professional development as well as software training. Feel free to call us at 1-800-481-3116 or email us at DPalmer@CareerAcademyOfRealEstate.com

Today, we're here with part two of choosing a broker.

You need to find out from a company if they offer a mentoring program. You want to make sure that they will put you with someone who will teach good habits.

The best brokerages will have continuing sales education. You need someone who has a program who will really give you the techniques you need to make sales. If you can't find a company with a mentoring program, look outside the company to find coaches or other mentors.

You also need to know the written policy of that company, and you need to know who you can reach if a problem arises. You want to look for a team that will support your success. Most new agents usually just need affirmation that they are doing something right, so it's important that you have someone to go to.

If you have any questions, give me a call or send me an email. We look forward to hearing from you!

So You've Graduated from Real Estate School - Now What?

We help people begin a career in real estate and assist throughout their career from prelicense, continuing education, post license, reciprocal licensing, broker courses as licensees continue their professional development as well as software training. Feel free to call us at 1-800-481-3116 or email us at DPalmer@CareerAcademyOfRealEstate.com

How do you choose a company to work for once you've finished real estate school? Today, we want to discuss the questions students ask us all the time!

When you're going into the process of selecting a company to work with, you need to prepare to interview multiple companies; you need to see what's going on in the marketplace. Have questions set to ask at least five different companies during the interviews. This kind of proactive behavior is exactly what brokers are looking for in a great agent!

One of the biggest mistakes people make is they go in wondering what their commission is going to be without thinking about anything else. If you don't have any actual training in real estate sales business, a 100% commission is 100% of nothing! You need to learn the business and know the industry in and out. Once you get the education to get a license, you need to learn to get the education of how to use that license!

To do this, one of the best questions you can ask a broker is, "What type of educational opportunities will I have with your company?" Agents who end up doing the best are the ones who join a team with an excellent training program. Get a printout of what they're training so you know exactly what to expect!

If you have any questions about the job finding process, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to give you a hand!